Long-Read RNA Isoform 

Enable high-throughput, long-read sequencing of full-length cDNA libraries with the novel Multiplexed Arrays Isoform Sequencing (MAS-seq) library preparation approach, commercially offered by PacBio as Kinnex™ full-length RNA kit for isoform sequencing. The combined accuracy and throughput enabled by Kinnex/MAS-seq greatly enhances the identification and quantification of RNA isoforms.

Long-Read RNA Isoform Sequencing with Broad Clinical Labs

Full-length RNA sequencing using long-read technologies is able to capture complete transcript isoforms, but this capability has been constrained by throughput limitations. Kinnex/MAS-seq is a technique that boosts throughput by a factor of 8x by programmatically concatenating cDNAs into single molecules optimal for long-read sequencing.

Kinnex 8x read output boost for bulk RNA-seq

The Kinnex protocol boosts long-read RNA throughput by ~8-fold from total RNA for a total output of 34–80M reads per 25M SMRTcell. Twelve samples are able to be multiplexed per Kinnex array.

Full-length RNA isoform ID

Full-length RNA sequencing enables robust isoform identification.

Accurate Transcript Fusion ID

Full-length RNA sequencing also enables accurate identification of transcript fusions and fusion isoforms.

Service Overview- Long-read RNA Isoform Sequencing (MAS-seq)

Input Requirements (Total RNA)Outputs
> 45 ng/µl
> 30 µl
> 7.0 RQS
30–50 million HiFi DNA sequences per array in a de-concatenated, de-multiplexed, aggregated BAM file; QC metrics
Input Requirements (Total RNA)
> 45 ng/µl
> 30 µl
> 7.0 RQS
30–50 million HiFi DNA sequences per array in a de-concatenated, de-multiplexed, aggregated BAM file; QC metrics

Project Workflow- Long-read RNA Isoform Sequencing

Project onboarding

Project onboarding
(contracting if required)

Regulatory Review
Sample Kits

Sample intake and QC

Sample intake and QC
(extraction optional)

Sample receipt and incoming QC
Library Receipt at BCL

Library construction

Iso-Seq express 2.0 kit

Kinnex full-length RNA kit



Pacific Biosciences

Data delivery

Data and report delivery
(bioinformatic analysis optional)

See table above for deliverables (outputs)

Data delivered via secure Cloud based platform

To get started with Kinnex/MAS-seq services, please complete the form below, and a project manager will reach out to you.

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